Today as I was getting ready for the morning show I came across this list of 1,990 of the 1990's, a list the Huffington Post put together.

It definitely took me back in time. As I was going down the list it made me realize that I was for sure a child of the 1990's! Here are just a few things on the list!

Full House

Family Matters with Steve Urkel

Boy Meets World

Saved By the Bell

Home Alone


Beverly Hills 90210



Jerry Springer

Power Rangers


MTV played music videos


Beanie Babies

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Fresh Prince of Belair

MC Hammer

Parachute Pants

And the list goes on. If you would like the complete list of 1,990 things of the 1990's CLICK HERE. Sure does make a girl feel a little nostalgic! Oh to be a child of the 90's! These young buck will never know the good stuff!



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