Teachers one of the most under appreciated group of people of the planet. They spend just as much, if not more time with your children than you do. They literally give their blood sweat and tears for your children. So today I am thankful for the teachers I have had in my life.

In kindergarten, I had Mrs. Bell, in first grade I had Ms Worsham, who was amazing, then in sixth grade there was Coach Witfield, 7th grade there was Mrs. Barrett, and then when I got to high school there was Ms Ward.

In high school, all you ever heard about was the evil Ms. Ward and she was the teacher you didn't want. She weighed all of 100 pounds and stood probably all of about 5'2 and scared the life out of every student in Seminole High School. Students would take summer school to skip out of having Ms. Ward.

Ms Ward taught government and economics. She was the only one who taught and it was required, so you either had her or took it in the summer. Even walking down the half kids would go the other way not pass Ms Ward. So how could this little woman be so scary. It's because she commanded respect and didn't allow you to miss behave.

Ms Ward turned out to be one of my favorite teachers of all time. Ms. Ward taught so much more than government and economics. She taught respect and manners and common sense, if that's possible. She taught us how to apply those things to life.

She also taught us one thing that kids now days won't understand, she taught us how to balance a check book!

Oh yeah, Ms Ward also had the best one liners!

We lost Ms. Ward last December and it's sad to know more people won't get to experience a woman like her!

I want to know about an amazing teacher in your life, tell me about a teacher that made a difference in your life.

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